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Beitragsbild: sebastian, privat – (dates of this post only for technical reasons)
Dear students, members and friends of our Uniwanderclub Berlin.
Referring to the statues, rules and values of our hiking-club, we would like to point out that the Uni Wanderclub Berlin firmly stands behind the position of Berlin’s higher education and scientific institutions – especially the statements made by the 3 Universities of Berlin!
Statement/Stellungnahme der Freien Universität Berlin.
Statement/Stellungnahme der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Statement/Stellungnahme der Humboldt Universität Berlin.
We stand with our Ukrainian hiking friends in our Uniwanderclub and with the great country of Ukraine which just aspires to it’s sovereignty, it’s democracy and to a normal, peaceful and modern life in liberty!
We are young students, young people from Europe and the world, speaking freely about everything on our hikes and appreciating our fragile nature, our fragile health, our fragile wildlife and a world without bombs on civilians or rockets nearby nuclear plants! We are hiking without borders and with many rainbows in the sky + around us!
We are turned towards liberty, humanity, respect and the future!
We hope for peace and that the Kremlin will stop it’s illegal crimes + lies as soon as possible!